
Includes the following

  • DISCOVERY PROGRAM WORKBOOK: Perfectly placed to help you create an 8-week program for clients or groups, but with a high degree of flexibility so that you can flex your entrepreneurial spirit and create individual and group programs with differentiation. You’ll have the workbook to pass onto clients, plus a coaches manual to help you use the program. 
  • WELLBEING ASSESSMENT (CUSTOMISABLE): Well College Global’s Wellbeing Assessment tool that which you can customise.  This document is located on the WCG Learning System.

Format: Discovery Program Workbook (73 page PDF) with an accompanying Coaching Manual (10 page PDF). Includes customisable Wellbeing Assessment Form (note Terms of Use*).

Content/Structure: The Workbook is designed with 8 distinct sections (the first three are introductions including a Coaching Agreement for formalise and commence the program):

 1.  Discovery Program Workbook for Clients

2.   Discovery Program Basic Strategy

3.   Our Commitment to Each Other

4.   How to use your Discovery Workbook

5.   Area/s of Concern

6.   Self-Discovery

7.   Kicking My Personal Goals

8.   Action Stations

9.   Review / Reflect

10. Wahoo… Congratulations



Disclaimer: All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sorted in a retrieval system, nor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Neither you nor your client must not alter this document or the workbook via any means, digital or otherwise. All descriptions and activities given relate to the information for use with individuals at their acceptance. Well College Global is not responsible for any decisions arising from the use of the data, worksheets, information or any specific inferences or interpretations arising therefrom.
*Terms of Use: The  Wellbeing Assessment Tool provided here remains the intellectual property of Well College. The use and alteration of these documents is allowed under these terms however proper and clear acknowledgement to the source author (Well College Global) must be maintained within the footer of the documents. By purchasing this product you have agreed to the terms and conditions of use, failure to follow these terms may result in action under copyright laws.