A three-subject program designed to support elite athletes and sportspeople moving from their career in sport to a career in healthy lifestyle advocacy. You’ll learn foundation psychology to better understand what motivates people, the influence of personality, how
we learn, how habits are formed and what it takes to reform them. You’ll cement this knowledge with a practical application unit where you’ll relate models of behaviour change to real life, use motivational interviewing and coaching skills to work effectively
with others, so you can use these new skills and abilities to really hear and truly respond to what others want. An elective option enables you to finesse your knowledge in a specialised area of interest. Whether this is nutrition, presenting, business,
digital marketing or psychology you’ll find that you’ll pose the skills to be able to brand yourself where you want to be, and support other brands as an ambassador effectively.
Entry only for those with a history in professional sports. Entry by application only.
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