RECORDED Webinar: How to Find and Market to Your Ideal Client
Having a crystal clear picture of the ideal clients you want to attract helps you focus your efforts so you’re not running around creating “one size fits all” products, services and marketing that doesn’t have any impact.
Generalising your marketing and your offering to everyone can have negative effects — you can end up missing the mark totally – not finding the right prospects who will turn into paying clients. Having a target client in mind provides clarity and purpose
to your content. It gives you a laser focus for your marketing and avoids wasting time and energy.
Regularly re-recorded webinar presented by marketing expert Heather Porter. Unlike other recorded marketing webinars this content reflects the latest information in the area. This webinar shows you how to define your ideal client and make your marketing
easier. You will learn:
* Ways to find, and market to, your ideal clients
* How to build a content strategy around your ideal audience
* What content will resonate most with your perfect client
* When to ‘leave money on the table’ rather than spread yourself too thin
How to get your content noticed to attract the interest of clients
Presenter: Heather Porter
Heather got her start managing events globally for some of the world’s top speakers such as Tony Robbins. When the speakers Heather worked with wanted to engage with their tribes online her first big project was building a membership site in 2008 that
attracted 18,000 members when it launched. Heather then co-founded the digital marketing agency Autopilot Your Business in 2010, which currently teaches automation strategies to small
business owners, and is the Founder of Website Love, a website development company.
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